Free C/C++ interpreter Ch 4.0 released:
Davis, CA - 26 August 2003 - SoftIntegration, Inc. today announced the availability of Ch 4.0, the new version of C / C + + interpreter ristialustamiseksi scripting, 2D/3D scheme, to calculate the shell programming and embedded scripting. Ch 4.0 continued in the direction of SoftIntegration scripting, 2D/3D plotting and numerical computation. Significant improvements to the product array includes a shell programming numerical calculations and corrections. "Chapter SoftIntegration, higher power and flexibility of a strong C / C + + Script.
We deliver the strongest and most versatile scripting technology," said Dr. Dawn Cheng, president SoftIntegration. "Ch is also a very effective interactive environment for teaching and learning program, C99, the latest standard C and C + +." C / C + + interpreter channel meets the ISO 1999 standard C (C99), C + + classes. Ch also supports many industry standards for over 8,000 functions, including POSIX, socket / Winsock, X11/Motif,, data acquisition daq, OpenGL, ODBC, C LAPACK, GTK + Win32, and CGI.
Function static or dynamic binary C / C + + libraries can be interpretively scripts without recompiling CH SDK. Shell programming and cross-platform scripting Ch shell is C compatible, although shell (csh C-shell) is the C, data acquisition daq, shell. Ch is interpreted, data acquisition daq, by the implementation of C and Unix / MS-DOS shell. Ch in Windows includes over 100 Unix commands are commonly used in portable shell programming. Ch can also be used for login shell, like sh, csh and ksh.
Ch bridges the differences in C language and shell languages. Built-in string functions, data acquisition daq, and improved scripting Ch is an alternative to other scripting language to automate repetitive tasks, regression tests and testing equipment direct access devices. 2D/3D plotting and numerical Ch supports 2D/3D graph, C LAPACK, high level numeric, data acquisition daq, functions. Ch has built-in support for 2D/3D design, function and general matrix of mathematical calculations, linear algebra and matrix calculations, and developed a high-level numerical linear systems, problems of differential equations, integration, nonlinear equations, Fourier analysis, curve fitting, etc.
For example, linear system equation b = * x can be written verbatim in Ch. Its extension to the C Ch makes the best choice for numerical computing, and C / C + + domain. With the graphics library SoftIntegration (LMIS), the same program using 2D/3D functions of the system can be run from a chapter or compiled using C + + without any modification. Ch is ideal for rapid development and deployment of applications. For exampple, Control System Toolbox Design and Analysis of linear time invariant systems, time management developed in the figure is available.
Embeddable scripting Ch 4.0 is optimized for embedded scripting. Embedded Ch allows users to embed Ch into other programs in C / C + + and hardware. It is ideal for open-architecture application integration. Embedded Ch, C / C + + can be extended to all the properties of C. This allows the implementation of the C / C + + scripts generated dynamically online. Ch has built a small footprint. Indicator of time and deterministic nature of the C language provides a seamless connection to the hardware real-time systems.
Third-party software support Ch supports more than other software vendors. Intel OpenCV includes a computer and image processing, data acquisition, National Instruments NI DAQ toolbox and control tools, the NI-Motion Motion, Barret Technology Hand Barret robot manipulator control,, data acquisition daq, and Perl regular expressions. Prices and availability of Ch for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and HP-UX is available, data acquisition daq, . Ch Standard Edition for free for commercial and noncommercial applications in different platforms.
Ch Professional Edition is free for academic use and costs $ 399 for personal use or for commercial purposes. Contact: SoftIntegration, Inc.216 F Street, # 68Davis, 95616tel CA (530) 297-7398 fax (530) 297-7392 [email protected]: / / Original from: Free C/C++ interpreter Ch 4.0 released
We deliver the strongest and most versatile scripting technology," said Dr. Dawn Cheng, president SoftIntegration. "Ch is also a very effective interactive environment for teaching and learning program, C99, the latest standard C and C + +." C / C + + interpreter channel meets the ISO 1999 standard C (C99), C + + classes. Ch also supports many industry standards for over 8,000 functions, including POSIX, socket / Winsock, X11/Motif,, data acquisition daq, OpenGL, ODBC, C LAPACK, GTK + Win32, and CGI.
Function static or dynamic binary C / C + + libraries can be interpretively scripts without recompiling CH SDK. Shell programming and cross-platform scripting Ch shell is C compatible, although shell (csh C-shell) is the C, data acquisition daq, shell. Ch is interpreted, data acquisition daq, by the implementation of C and Unix / MS-DOS shell. Ch in Windows includes over 100 Unix commands are commonly used in portable shell programming. Ch can also be used for login shell, like sh, csh and ksh.
Ch bridges the differences in C language and shell languages. Built-in string functions, data acquisition daq, and improved scripting Ch is an alternative to other scripting language to automate repetitive tasks, regression tests and testing equipment direct access devices. 2D/3D plotting and numerical Ch supports 2D/3D graph, C LAPACK, high level numeric, data acquisition daq, functions. Ch has built-in support for 2D/3D design, function and general matrix of mathematical calculations, linear algebra and matrix calculations, and developed a high-level numerical linear systems, problems of differential equations, integration, nonlinear equations, Fourier analysis, curve fitting, etc.
For example, linear system equation b = * x can be written verbatim in Ch. Its extension to the C Ch makes the best choice for numerical computing, and C / C + + domain. With the graphics library SoftIntegration (LMIS), the same program using 2D/3D functions of the system can be run from a chapter or compiled using C + + without any modification. Ch is ideal for rapid development and deployment of applications. For exampple, Control System Toolbox Design and Analysis of linear time invariant systems, time management developed in the figure is available.
Embeddable scripting Ch 4.0 is optimized for embedded scripting. Embedded Ch allows users to embed Ch into other programs in C / C + + and hardware. It is ideal for open-architecture application integration. Embedded Ch, C / C + + can be extended to all the properties of C. This allows the implementation of the C / C + + scripts generated dynamically online. Ch has built a small footprint. Indicator of time and deterministic nature of the C language provides a seamless connection to the hardware real-time systems.
Third-party software support Ch supports more than other software vendors. Intel OpenCV includes a computer and image processing, data acquisition, National Instruments NI DAQ toolbox and control tools, the NI-Motion Motion, Barret Technology Hand Barret robot manipulator control,, data acquisition daq, and Perl regular expressions. Prices and availability of Ch for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and HP-UX is available, data acquisition daq, . Ch Standard Edition for free for commercial and noncommercial applications in different platforms.
Ch Professional Edition is free for academic use and costs $ 399 for personal use or for commercial purposes. Contact: SoftIntegration, Inc.216 F Street, # 68Davis, 95616tel CA (530) 297-7398 fax (530) 297-7392 [email protected]: / / Original from: Free C/C++ interpreter Ch 4.0 released
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